Christ is our One Goal
The Full-Time Training Curriculum
The majority of the time in the Full-time Training is devoted to receiving, studying, and ministering the truth that is contained in the Bible and expounded through the ministries of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee.
These brothers taught according to the pure word of the Bible, building upon centuries of recovered truths to fully unveil God’s eternal purpose and economy.
The Training is privileged to speak these things, teach these things, and minister these things until the Body of Christ is built up and the bride is prepared for our Lord’s satisfaction and desire.

This course, in two parts, is given over a two-week period each Autumn term, with a total of 12 classes, of 1½ hours each. The first term focuses on the aspects of the truth in the Bible concerning the Trinity. The second term examines the Bible as the Word of God, and gives an overview of the contents and significance of each book of the Bible. The trainees are required to study at least one hour for each class.
This course is given over a two-week period each term, with a total of 12 classes, of 1½ hours each. In it the three stages of Christ’s ministry to fulfil His heart’s desire are studied in detail. The trainees are required to study at least 1 ½ hours for each class.
A series of messages from the recent speaking in the Full-Time Training in Anaheim. The messages are recorded and shown on video. The course has one 1½ hour class per week and runs for four terms. The trainees are required to study for 1 ½ hours per week for this class and to give a spoken review, during which their speaking is critiqued for content clarity and how much they entered into the burden of the message.
This course is given over a two-week period each term, with a total of 12 classes, of 1½ hours each. The course uses Bible passages and specific ministry books to explore a believer’s experience of Christ as life. Trainees are expected to study for one hour for each class.
This course is given once each week throughout each term, with a total of 16 classes, of 1½ hours each. The course focuses on the important matters and aspects concerning a life devoted to the service of the Lord. Trainees are expected to study for one hour per week for this class.
This course, in two parts, is given over a two-week period each Spring term, with a total of 12 classes, of 1½ hours each. The course explores the New Jerusalem, unveiled in the book of Revelation, as the greatest and ultimate sign in the Bible of the fulfilment of God’s eternal purpose. Trainees are expected to study for one hour for each class.
This course is given over a two-week period each term, with a total of 12 classes, of 1½ hours each. In it the trainees study God’s economy, His plan and administration to achieve His eternal purpose, as revealed in the various books in the Bible. Trainees should study for at least 1 ½ hours for each class.
This course is given over a two-week period each term, with a total of 12 classes, of 1½ hours each. Here the trainees examine the way presented by God in His word to preach the gospel, shepherd new believers, and perfect the believers to build up the church as the Body of Christ, to fulfil God’s goal. The trainees in their gospel service put principles learned in this class into practice. Trainees should study for at least 1 hour per week for this class.
This course runs for four terms, and is given over a two-week period each term, with a total of 12 classes, of 1½ hours each. Crucial aspects of the Spirit, the third of the Divine Trinity, are examined in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Trainees should study for at least 1½ hours for each class.
This course is given once each week throughout each term, with a total of 16 classes, of 1½ hours each. This class gives trainees an opportunity to view video footage of Brother Witness Lee. Course material rotates by term. Past courses have included messages from Life-study of Ephesians, The Genuine Ground of Oneness, and The God-man Living.
The course is scheduled each term according to the availability of the guest lecturer who conducts the course.
Life and Character
Trainees spend 25 minutes per morning in personal prayer.
Trainees attend prayer meetings and arrange personal times to pray.
Trainees attend the meetings of the church; including group, prayer, prophesying, and Lord’s Table meetings.
Trainees are required to read a portion of the New Testament every day for at least 20 minutes, in addition to their other course work.
This course, is of two parts and is given over a two-week period in two of the four terms, with a total of 24 classes of 1½ hours each. There are certain characteristics without which no one can be a satisfactory Christian worker. Some of the fundamental character traits touched in this class are: 1) is able to listen; 2) loves all mankind; 3) has a mind to suffer; 4) is diligent and not slothful; 5) is restrained in speech; 6) is stable.
This course is composed of eight hours per week training and service on campus and in the community, and runs for the four terms of the full-time programme of the FTTL. The trainees learn how to contact new people and lead them through a programme to introduce them to Christ, the Christian life and the church life. For this, the trainees are assigned to a gospel team under a trainer, to labour in a specific area, and coordinate closely with one or two other people in their team to meet people and shepherd those they meet.
Practical Service is composed of approximately five hours per week under the direction and supervision of a duty coordinator.